Have you ever bought something that you didn’t appreciate paying for? It happens to me sometimes. Usually, I don’t appreciate it because I am unaware of the manufacturing cost of it. I’ve found that companies don’t usually release the cost of california shutters which they carry for one of two reasons:
- They don’t want you to see their profit margin [which may or not be as high as you expect it to.
- They don’t want their competitors to use this information to better their products.
In the California shutter and window covering industries this is followed as a strict consensus among most manufacturing companies. If you’re reading this article, you probably want to know the cost of California Shutters. This will help you get the best california shutters price in toronto. Recently, we’ve gotten a lot of requests to break down this cost for our present and future customers. So, the operations team here at Shutter Boys has generously compiled an average cost breakdown for California shutters in Toronto as well as the rest of Ontario and Canada. These Questions and more will be covered in the following article.
What are California Shutters?
What is the cost of California shutters in Ontario?
Do all California Shutter manufacturers in Ontario charge the same?
Before I begin breaking down our shutter prices, I would like to first tell you about my first experience discussing California shutter prices. I thought you had to be a rich person to have these ‘things’ installed in your windows. I was eight years old. My father and I were driving in his 1999 Astro van, back from furnishing a large home in Oakville with custom made plantation shutters (they have larger louvers than California shutters). My job that day was to be the tool holder. As I watched my dad and his two installers put these ‘large white things’ in the windows of a home that was almost twice the size of my own, I remember thinking, these people must be rich. I’ve never seen my dad sweat like that before.

As we were driving home, I asked him in a high-pitch eight-year-old voice, “Dad are we rich”?
“Well, we aren’t poor!”, he exclaimed.
I said, “Dad, did you lose a million dollars?
Dad: “What?!?” [typical Italian response]
Me: “Last time I saw you sweat that much was when you owed the bank a million dollars.” [LOL]
He laughed, and said “Well God knows I should’ve charged a million dollars for that job!” [sarcasm].
Why did my dad feel that way? Because the customers did not fully understand the cost breakdown of their plantation shutters. With all sarcasm aside, I learned a very important lesson that day about cost and clients. Sometimes we [the company] don’t get paid what we should get paid. The quality of the product and services that we provide customers may not be sufficiently represented in its cost.
What are California Shutters?
Before I break down the cost of California shutters, I will give you a brief description of what they are. California shutters are common wood or vinyl interior window coverings that let in light through the movement of vertical slats, or louvers, which line the mid to interior sections of this window fashion. California shutters can have two top-and-bottom movable regions with the presence of a dividing mid rail. People commonly referred to california shutters as plantation shutters or window shutters. The main difference between plantation shutters and California shutters is the louver size. We make California shutters with 2.5” louvers while and plantation shutters fashion larger 3.5” louvers. We can make California shutters into a variety of materials and colours, where the most common California shutter colour is white.
Why choose California Shutters over regular window treatments?
California Shutters are the best choice for most homes because they fit any design style whether its modernistic wood, simple and clean, rustic with country feel, coastal feel, traditional with farmhouse feel, cottage feel, etc., there is literally a “California Shutter” that can accommodate every need and desire.
Wood is not only more affordable but also easier to install, as it does not need much planning other then choosing which material you want to use. However, many people dislike the look of wood shutters, due to their natural texture and imperfections, and they often have difficulty matching them up with existing siding.
Most new homes built today are using faux wood trim, so if you have purchased a house built after 1999, chances are you do not have any wood on the exterior side of your home. That being said, you can still save money by installing California shutters over regular blinds rather than real wood.
If you prefer the beauty and natural appeal of wood shutters, this blog will help you determine exactly how much you can expect to spend for each type of product based on the number of windows you plan to purchase, and whether you are building a new home or remodeling an old one.
As far as how easy it is to operate your shutters, all types of shutters work similar to sliding glass doors. Once you understand how they open and close easily, you no longer have to worry about having trouble opening them from time to time.
You will find that most people who own them claim that they were “overlooked,” and there was never enough room on their property before installing the California shutters.
California Shutters Have Expanded The Appeal Of Window Covering, Because They Come In All Sizes, Styles, Colors And Finishes. They Have Also Become More Affordable Due To Modern Building Practices & Methods.
This blog breaks down the costs associated with each type of California Shutter, including wood and vinyl and the pros and cons of each materials. You’ll learn why you should consider buying Wood Shutters vs. Vinyl Shutters… And Which Is Better?
This blog also compares the advantages and disadvantages of all forms of installation for California Shutters, and gives you some tips and advice regarding those techniques that will help you achieve a beautiful end result. We also explore the many different ways you could decorate your windows… From Vinyl Options, Stained Glass, Wood, Hardware, Painted Frames, Etc.
If You’re Planning To Purchase California Shutters, Here’s Some Advice For Choosing Which Style To Buy
- Do You Have Windows That Need Coverings Inside? If Yes, Would These Be Exterior Or Interior Shutters?
- Do You Already Have Wood Windows? If So, Do You Have Any Ideas What Kind Of Shutters Would Look Good Over Them?
- Do You Want More Shade? Do You Want Privacy Protection?
- Will You Be Living In California? If Yes, Then Are Your Homes Located Along The Coast?
- All Shutters Work Well With Different Types Of Windows. They Are Very Flexible. Do Not Limit Yourself On Just One Type Of Shutters For Your Window.
A Few Questions That Many People Ask, Including Me…
- How Easy Is It To Open Up My Shutters?
- Are My Shutters Going To Fit Properly Around My Windows?
- Will My Shutters Match Up With My Existing Siding?
- How Long Will It Take For My New Shutters To Finish Construction?
- Do I Still Have Option To Change My Plans Later?
Now that we’ve got the basics covered, let’s move onto pricing.
What is the cost of California shutters in Canada?
Now that you know a bit about what California shutters are, I can finally tell you how much they cost. The average cost of a California shutter in Ontario ranges from $14 /sq.ft to $35 /sq.ft . For the average house that has approximately 250 sq.ft of windows, this will cost approximately $3500 + HST on the low end for a very cheap shutter product, to upwards of $8800 + HST on the high-end product range. Cheap products are not recommended, just look at this California shutter discussion on redflagfeals.ca to find out why. Most people go for a mid-quality product that ranges in the $22 – $28 /sq.ft range. The highest quality California shutters usually cost between
The highest quality California shutters usually cost between $28- $35 /sq.ft, these California shutters are usually made with the highest quality Canadian hardwoods or vinyl extrusions available on the market today. California Shutters Toronto’s Pricing Guide helps us dive into the pricing of shutters in ontario. Check it out below, or simply use the calculator provided below to determine what you’d pay for composite shutters vs select grade vinly/wood shutters vs. premium grade vinyl/wood shutters.

Breaking Down The Cost of California Shutters.
So, what are you paying for when you purchase California shutters with us? Here’s a chart of what you are paying for:
- Labor accounts for 37% of the cost. This includes all the manufacturing costs needed to make your shutters.
- Materials account for approximately 25% of all California shutter costs.
- Office & Administration fee accounts for 19% of the total cost. This helps with the processing of your order.
- 13% of the total cost is used just to install them.
- That leaves the remaining 6% to cover transportation expenses.

The above pricing guides are estimates. The cost for buying california shutters for your home will vary depending on the degree of customization. Let me just take some time to explain why our costs are so high. At Shutter boys, we do not only provide you with an exceptional wood shutter product. Our main goal, is to deliver you happiness. Why happiness? Because a smile received from a good job well done, lasts a lifetime. Just think, every time you look at your shutters, you will remember how our sales staff and installers went out of our way to give you an exceptional experience – right from first contact to final delivery. Therefore, we will never cheap out or cut ANY corners.
For your reference, here’s an infographic from Home advisor on the average cost of plantation shutter installation charges in 2017 for window treatments installed in the US. If you have extra time, also check out this realtor guide to plantation shutters installation if you decide to get it done on your own.

Which Type Of California Shutter Is Right For You?
It depends on the type of home you live in, and what you’re trying to accomplish with the shutters.
Vinyl California Shutters
Vinyl California Shutters are very affordable. They are easy to install with minimal tools needed. They can come with either wood-grain vinyl wrap (not shown here), or stained clear vinyl (shown here). I do not recommend buying vinyl California Shutters when premium wood shutter options are available. If you go the vinyl shutters route make sure they are made form high quality vinyl or PU and do not suffer from colouring or warping issues.
Wood California Shutters
Wood California shutters come in 3 types:
- Poplar
- Pine
- Other Hardwood
Regardless of your choice, hardwood shutters look amazing. They require minimal tools to install and are extremely durable. Wood shutters come with stains that can be used on top and bottom of the shutter to add depth and contrast. Although they are difficult and expensive to maintain, these shutters typically outlast the home itself. They are also available with wood grain designs that replicate antique look and feel.
I highly suggest adding a Wood California Shutters to your home, whether it’s to protect your windows or to enhance the look of your home. In terms of price, you can expect to pay $30-$200+ per window for poplar hardwood to $400-$600 per window for pine shutters. That being said, do be careful in comparing prices, because all wood shutters are not manufactured with the same quality of materials.
Wooden shutters are usually thicker than vinyl, especially around the bottom rails, due to the more complex molding process required for manufacturing wooden shutters, and they usually cost a bit more than vinyl. That being said, the extra thickness makes a wood shutter better suited for heavy winds, and you won’t notice the added weight unless windy conditions occur – although most people consider this a minor inconvenience.
You’ll also want to take note of the top bar rail thickness, as this is the part of the shutter that sits on top of the window frame, and is exposed. It should be about 3/8th inch thick, which is 1/4 inch thick less than the height of the panel itself. Because the top rail is a relatively weak point, you might want to get your measurements before ordering if you plan to remove or replace it.
Calculating Costs of Wooden Shutters
Below is a step-by-step guide outlining everything you need to know to quickly calculate the total cost of your custom wood shutter project.
Window Sizes
Before you start buying your materials, you first need to figure out how large your windows are. This involves finding out the dimensions of the window frame, what the window manufacturer calls the sill height and the overall width of the window sash. Then subtract out any space you’ll need for your California Shutters.
Window Frame Dimensions: The window frame dimensions will tell us how big the actual window needs to be in order for you to install the shutter correctly. As a matter of course, if you’re planning on replacing your current windows, you’ll want to measure the window frames first to make sure they’ll work with the shutters. Otherwise, you might end up having to cut down the shutters to fit and then put them back in place once you’ve finished your project.
Sill Height & Windows Sash Width: When measuring the width of your window sashes, be sure to ignore those parts of the frame that protrude beyond the sashes. These are called stops and you don’t necessarily need to leave space for them. Just remember to adjust them at the ends of the sashes.
When determining the height of the window, measure from the floor up to the window frame’s top edge and take a few quick notes for later reference (see image at left for an illustration).
Estimate Materials
Once you figured out the number of square feet of your window opening, you can start estimating the quantity of your materials for each window size.
First: The shutter you choose comes in different sizes ranging from 12″ to 60″; therefore if you decide to change the size of your shutter, you need to change the amount of the product you will order. The most common sizes are 24″, 36″, 48″, 72″, 96″, 120″, and 144″ high.
Let’s say you are planning on getting 10 double-paned shutters for your kitchen, dining room and bathrooms. That can average from 100 to 200 square feet or more depending on sizes. In today’s terms you’ll be paying anywhere between $3500 to $7000 for premium wood shutters at an average cost of $35 per square foot.
Our California Shutters are made to last a lifetime. Seriously though. They are made with 100% Canadian materials. Our Shutters that we manufacture in house are made with premium level poplar supplied by Brenlo Inc. Additionally, we use the highest quality paints and stains that are available on the market today. Chemcraft is the paint brand name of our choice. We add a special UV inhibitor to our special shutter paint mixture, to ensure that your shutters will never peel, yellow or crack. If you’re in the market for Vinyl California Shutters in the GTA, we break down the quality, design and price of the three best sold polystain shutter brands in Ontario! Bottom line. When you call us once, you will only call us again when you move. That’s how confident we are that our product will live up to the usual wear and tear expected from living everyday life. If you are in the market for other window coverings, please contact our partner blind company, A Divine Window Coverings here.
Get Your FREE California Shutters Quote Here!